Douban Best Book Of The Year
1. 世上为什么要有图书馆/Why do Libraries Exist? by Yang Suqiu
2. 我的母亲做保洁/My Mother, The Cleanerby ZHANG Xiaoman
3. 比山更高/Higher Than the Mountain by SONG Mingwei
6. 猫鱼/Small Fish by CHEN Chong
7. 康熙的红票:全球化中的清朝/Emperor Kangxi's Red Manifesto: The Qing Dynasty in Globalization by SUN Litian
Chinese Literature (Fiction)
1. 食南之徒/The Journey to the South by MA Boyong
2. 草民/Grassroots: Book 3 of Hometown Triogy by CAI Hongda
3. 岛屿的厝/Islands Against the Current by GONG Wanying
4. 生死结/Knot Of Life And Death by YIN Xueyun
5. 纷纷水火/Chaos of Water and Fire by LIN Gesheng
6. 团圆记/A Story of Reunion by YANG Yunsu
7. 鹿隐之野/The Wildness Where A Deer was Found Then Lost by Yashalong (Absalom)
8. 想象海/La mer Imaginaireby ZHU Yue
9. 松木的清香/The Fragrance of Pineby Pema Tseden (1969-2023)
10. 冷水坑/Lengshuikeng by JIN Te
Chinese Literature (Non-Fiction)
1. 世上为什么要有图书馆/Why do Libraries Exist? by Yang Suqiu
2. 我的母亲做保洁/My Mother, The Cleaner by ZHANG Xiaoman
3. 比山更高/Higher Than the Mountain by SONG Mingwei
4. 猫鱼/Small Fish by CHEN Chong
5. 血与蜜之地:穿越巴尔干的旅程/Blood & Honey: A Journey Through the Balkans by LIU Zichao
6. 吃着吃着就老了/You Are What You Eat by LIU Xiaoqing
7. 离岛:于偏僻之地重建生活/Island leaving, Island living by Kusuo
8. 可能的世界/Possible World by YANG Xiao
9. 海象日记/The Walrus Diary by Wudong
10. 边界的诱惑:寻找南斯拉夫/The Allure of Boundaries: Experiencing Yugoslavia by BAI Lin
Other Chinese books on the list
Mystery & Thrillers
7. 易碎品/Fragile by HE Wapi
8. 深渊/The Abyss by Shen Lan
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
2. 枭起青壤/Love on the Turquoise Land by Wei Yu
3. 2181序曲/2181 Overture by Gu Shi
5. 卞和与玉:国潮元宇宙Ⅳ·求索篇/China Chic Mataverse Seeking by Dong Xinyuan
8. 爱,时光和大怪兽/Love, Time and the Big Monster by A Que
9. 暮星归途/Homeward Bound of Dusk Star by WU Chu
10. 跑去她的世界/Orpheus' Marathon by Xia Sang
Comics & Picture Books
2. 格里格外/In & Out Of the Panel by Tianran
5. 小小小小的人间/A Small, Small World by Bin Lee
7. 镖人:卷十二/The Blades of Guardians Vol.12 by XU Xianzhe
Social Science
2.过渡劳动:平台经济下的外卖骑手/Transitional Labor: Delivery Riders in the Networked Markets bySUN Ping
4. 奔袭/The Rescue at Entebbe by FENG Xiang
5. 逃走的人/Those Who Escaped by LI Yingdi
9. 蛋先生的学术生存/Mr Egg's Survival in Academic World by SHI Aidong
Popular Science
2. 命悬一线我不放手:ICU生死录/Holding On by a Thread: An ICU Chronicle of Life and Death by BO Shining
5. 所有女生要知道/Every Girl Should Know by Mr Floor Six
10. 海洋诱惑/The Allure of the Ocean by YUAN Yue
Art & Design
3. 我是外公外婆带大的孩子/Raised by My Grandparents by WU Wei
7. 电影,我略知一二/Movie, I Know A Little by JIA Zhangke
8. 韩国电影100年/100 Years of Korean Film by FAN Xiaoqing
10. 戎夷之衣/The Coat of Rong Yi by LI Jing
Business & Economy
1.重组与突破/Reconstruction and Breakthrough by HUANG Qifan
2. 三生万物/ From Three Comes All Things by NING Gaoning
3. 周期、估值与人性/Cycles, Valuation, and Human Nature by LING Peng
4. 投资研习录:伯克希尔没有秘密/Investment Research Notes on Warren Buffett's Letter to the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (1957-1999) by TANG Chao
6.供应链攻防战:从企业到国家的实力之争/Supply Chain Warfare by LIN Xueping
8. 常变与长青:通过变革构建华为组织级能力/ Change And Thrive by GUO Ping
2. 变得厉害/Become Awesome by LIU Tianzhao
3. 梦蝶66首/Sixty-Six Poems by ZHOU Mengdie
History & Culture
1. 康熙的红票:全球化中的清朝/Emperor Kangxi's Red Manifesto: The Qing Dynasty in Globalization by SUN Litian
3. 法律的悖论/PARADOXES IN LAW by LUO Xiang
5. 秦汉史讲义/Lectures on the History of the Qin and Han Dynasties by QIN Hui
7. 三国前夜:士大夫政治与东汉皇权的崩解/On the Eve of The Three Kindoms Period byZHANG Xiangrong
9. 大变局:晚清改革五十年/Great Transformation: Fifty Years of Late Qing Reforms by CHEN Xubin