Beginning in 1861 and spanning seven decades, The Road Afar weaves together the stories of real-life Chinese American entrepreneur Chin Gee Hee, who was instrumental in the building of the first railways in Seattle and southern China, and the love of his life, Muk-fong, one of the few women to join the wave of Chinese men who immigrated to the United States in the second half of the nineteenth century. It is the saga of their struggle to reunite and ultimately build a life together in the fledgling settlement of Seattle, but it is also a tribute to the first generation of Chinese Americans, and countless other immigrants from around the world, who crossed an ocean and braved bigotry and hardship in search of a better life.
Tel/Fax: +8610-5834 4166 Apt. 905, Longdu International Plaza, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing 100101 CHINA