
Trick or Treat? ! Book Recommendation for Halloween

November, 01, 2021

Happy Halloween! 

Did you have fun with "trick or treat"? Are you satisfied with your costumes? Any unforgettable tricks to share? ... Fine, I'll stop beating around the bush -- I just want to share some books to add up the holiday atmosphere.


In general, ghost is not quite comply with science, or even anti-science. However, this fiction gives a scientific explanation of it at the very beginning.


On a stormy night, ball lightning appears in Chen's field of vision. The moment that the ball lightning struck on the night of his fourteenth birthday, his parents were turned to dust. After that miserable birthday party, Chen locked up the house and did'n come back until his second year in university. When he returned, he feels like his parents still lives in the house...

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The uncertainties. The unknown. And the possible harms they may bring to us. But it's more likely to get hurt by human other than ghost.

LOSE CONTROL by Zhang Zhen

Zhou Yulou is, according to modern society, the perfect man. But a chance encounter between his wife and her old flame throws Zhou Yulou's flawless life into chaos, and the subsequent divorce and separation from his daughter sink him into a deep depression. So he turns his attention to three very different and female online friends...

On the eve of his second wedding, Zhou decides to bid farewell to several of his online friends, setting off a chain of nightmarish events and conspiracies. Shadowy pursuers, death threats, stalkers, murder plots, extortion, slaughter, and the harrowing truth assault Zhou, by turns catching him of f-guard and sweeping him into mistake after unavoidable mistake -- with no way back.

And there's also a kind of fear that we once knew why we fear, then we forgot; or we were forgotten...

THE BORDER by Mo Xiong

After a failed mission on Elantan, HuoKa, a synthetic human, and his longtime partner Niya, a Xia Ji symbiote, are recalled to the company’s headquarters for a new assignment: The company has lost contact with a research team sent to the planet Mark 7. HuoKa and Niya are requested to lead a rescue mission and figure out what happened there. The original team’s mission was to investigate a structure left behind by a one-hundred million-year-old race of nearly omnipotent, god-like beings, now extinct. The company’s only clues to what has happened on Mark 7 are some cryptic transmissions sent by the supervisor of the missing research team, which indicate a synthetic human has gone crazy, which is not likely to happen theoretically. And he is killing people.

Why there are sixteen sleep pods at the research team’s base camp when only nine people were on the mission roster? Is the synthetic human known as Galen really crazy? HuoKa and Niya’s mission takes them and their team deep inside the ancient structure called the Border. As they attempt to unravel the evidence and answer those puzzling questions with no obvious answers. They also face unexpected dangers—some left by different races who entered the Border during the thousands of years, some left by Galen, and one supreme danger left by the mysterious race of beings who built the Border.

Ultimately, HuoKa and Niya discover a horrifying truth that will challenge everything humans think they know about the universe.


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